A new year means a fresh opportunity to give your teeth and smile the care they deserve. Although many people decide that it’s time to purchase a gym subscription, start travelling more often, or just adopting new and healthier habits, it can be easy to forget that taking better care of your oral hygiene is just as important as ever.
Source: Oral Health Tips | Adult Oral Health | Basics | Oral Health | CDC
Brush Your Teeth More Often
Remembering to brush your teeth on a regular basis can be challenging for some people. But it’s good to be brushing your teeth at least once a day. Even better is brushing two times a day or more, if you can remember to get on a solid regular schedule. Brushing your teeth multiple times a day is an incredibly easy and effective way to avoid cavities and other dental problems that come from poor oral hygiene too.
To top it off, you should try making each brushing tooth brushing session last at least two minutes. Brushing often enough with the right amount of attention will also get rid of plaque and food particles between your teeth. Consult your dentist to figure out a brushing schedule that works for you, especially if you’re looking to improve your dental habits in the coming year.
Eat More Mouth-Healthy Foods
It might be strange to hear, but eating certain foods is actually a great and easy way to take care of your overall oral health. This tip can be especially effective for new years resolutions, since many people are also determined to eat more healthily in general.
Foods like vegetables, fruits, and nuts all contain large sources of dietary fiber. Foods that are high in fiber and even some dairy products can improve your dental health immensely, and can be simple to incorporate into a new year’s diet. An added bonus of switching up the foods you consume is that you may even stop eating as many sugary treats that do harm your teeth.
The more healthy food you eat, the less likely it is that you’ll be eating sugary foods that cause plaque and tooth decay. Try talking with your dentist to figure out foods that are best for your own oral hygiene needs.
Try Chewing Sugar-Free Gum
This tip might sound especially dubious, but chewing gum that is free of sugar can actually help prevent your teeth from decaying. When you chew gum, the saliva in your mouth starts to flow, which can help you get rid of unwanted debris between your teeth. It can even help with strengthening your tooth enamel, since the saliva in your mouth is rich in calcium and phosphate.
If you do decide to take up chewing sugarless gum in the new year, make sure to look for gum brands with an ADA Seal on their packaging. You can be certain that gum brands with an ADA Seal only use sweeteners that do not cause cavities, such as aspartame.
Another handy benefit from regularly chewing sugarless gum is that you’ll avoid any buildup of plaque that gum with sugar does cause. If you’re still curious about the kinds of benefits you can get from chewing sugar-free gum on a regular basis, talk to your dentist to see how you can incorporate it into your daily dental routine.
Source: Oral Hygiene: Best Practices & Instructions for Good Routine (clevelandclinic.org)
Schedule your Holiday Appointment with Modern Family Dentistry
Modern Family Dentistry always encourages our patients to meet with us regularly. Regular dental appointments, together with healthy eating and home oral care, is a certain path toward excellent oral hygiene. Unfortunately, many people claim to be too busy during the holiday season to come in for a visit with their dentist. But in fact, the holiday season and the end of the year are some of the best times for you to visit your dental professional.
Our local dentists in chesapeake, va at Modern Family Dentistry hopes that you have found these oral tips helpful as you make your way into the holiday season. It’s important to remember that regular visits with your dental professional is the easiest and most effective way of keeping track of your oral health. If you live in or near the Chesapeake, VA area and are ready to make a change in your dental experience, call Modern Family Dentistry now and schedule your next appointment for the holiday season.